PROTÉGÉ - behind the curtain...

What's it like to be in the Inner-Circle?


Consistency is KEY.  Dealmaker Protégé is FULLY IMMERSIVE experience.  
Over the 1 year program, we will be on calls together over 150+ times.

Every Monday at 11 am ET (4 pm UK)

Protégé Coaching & Accountability Call

⬇️ Watch A Recent Protégé Call ⬇️

Every Thursday at 11 am ET (4 pm UK)

Red Light, Green Light - Deal Review Call

⬇️ Watch A Recent Deal Review Call ⬇️




EVERYTHING you need to build a deal origination machine, become a legend at funding deals, a master of seller psychology, quickly vet and evaluate deals, and close business acquisitions over and over again...

  • Advanced Weekly Group Coaching - 90 Minutes on Mondays & Fridays:
    Every Monday & Friday, join Carl and the other coaches in exclusive inner circle Protégé only weekly advanced training calls.  This is where success comes from.  Learn how to talk to sellers, how to raise funds, negotiating terms, pitching investors, mindset training, business growth, and more...
  • ​Access To The Protégé COMMUNITY:
    100's of PARTNERSHIPS and buying GROUPS form each year inside of Protégé!  Our group is full of investors, deal scouts, business wholesalers, lending/funding experts, CPAs, and more.
  • ​Carl & His Team Can Review Your Deal - Weekly 90-Minute Training Calls on Thursdays
    Every Thursday, join Carl and the other inner circle Protégés for live deal reviews, deal specific Q&A and collaborate with other dealmakers who are out in the community making it happen.
  • ​FULL Online Access to our Online Training Library
    You will get full access to our Master's Degree Level M & A course, Dealmaker CEO... You will also get access to our fast-start Dealmaker 10-Day Launch course, our Dealmaker Mindset course, and more...
  • Three 911 - 30-Minute Calls as Needed with the Specialized Dealmaker Coaches
    This team will be able to help you begin your due diligence process, review numbers, and you get three opportunities to have this invaluable guidance. 


Yes, that's correct - you read that correctly. We sold our Protege program as a 12 month term for the first 3 years of its existence but has now been upgraded to what we call “Lifetime Access.” When you join Dealmaker Protege and complete all of your payments, you are awarded with lifetime access to the program. This allows you to not have to renew again each and every year. 

Note:  All guarantee challenges will require said challenger to supply evidence of completion and implementation of strategies.

We CAN offer this because IT WORKS...

⬇️ Below you will see some of my Protégé students who have closed deals.  They are holding what we call "Tombstone Awards" which are received for EVERY student who closes a deal.  
This could be YOU at our next event... ⬇️


Being my Protégé is a FULLY IMMERSIVE experience.  
Over the 1 year program, we will be on calls together over 150+ times.

Weekly Coaching Calls

LIVE Deal Review Calls


LIVE Events

LIVE Events


Terms of Use | Privacy Policy

© 2021 -2021 Dealmaker Wealth Society. All Rights Reserved
Dealmaker Wealth Society, LLC - All Rights Reserved - All Wrongs Reversed
© Dealmaker Wealth Society, LLC (“Dealmaker Wealth Society,” “DWS” or “DWS”) produces, markets, sells, and distributes an online course on how to buy small businesses using M&A strategies like a Leveraged Buyout among other strategies. DWS is strictly a training business focused on business building, and entrepreneurship.

The advice we provide is published generally, is not personal to you and does not take account of your personal circumstances.

DWS teaches a system or method, but all due diligence and all aspects of implementation are entirely within your control. As with any business, results will vary and will be based on numerous factors such as individual skill, business experience, expertise, efforts, and market conditions. Each individual’s potential success depends on numerous factors and unique circumstances in each individual investment, all of which are outside of DWS’ control. You are solely responsible for any business decisions or results resulting from your use of any information provided by DWS.

Monetary and income results are based on many factors. DWS has no way of knowing how well you will perform, as DWS does not know you, your background, work ethic, or business skills or practices. Therefore, DWS does not guarantee or imply that anyone will get rich, that you will do as well, or that you will make any money at all.

The education and information presented by the Program is intended for a general audience and does not purport to be, nor should it be construed as, specific advice tailored to any individual.

The information contained in the Program (including but not limited to content in any format) is based on sources and information reasonably believed to be accurate as of the time it was recorded or created. However, this material deals with topics that are constantly changing and are subject to ongoing changes related to technology and the market place as well as legal and related compliance issues.

The Program is continually under development and DWS makes no warranty of any kind, implied or express, as to its accuracy, completeness or appropriateness for any purpose. The information provided in the Program is sold and provided on an “as is” basis.

Earnings. Any case studies, examples, illustrations, or testimonials cannot guarantee that you will achieve similar results. In fact, your results may vary significantly and factors such as your market, personal effort and many other circumstances may and will cause results to vary. Any and all claims or representations, as to income earnings on the site, are not to be considered as average earnings. There can be no assurance that any prior successes, or past results, as to income earnings, can be used as an indication of your future success or results. Monetary and income results are based on many factors. DWS has no way of knowing how well you will do, as they do not know you, your background, your work ethic, or your business skills or practices. Therefore, DWS does not guarantee or imply that you will get rich, that you will do as well, or that you will make any money at all. If you rely upon figures provided in the site; you must accept the risk of not doing as well

Disclaimer: These successful case studies are not expected to be considered as "typical results." These students worked hard following my system and worked closely with me - directly. I have had students join my coaching program, not follow my system and not have results. Unfortunately you can't control human nature. The point of these case studies is to let you hear from people that have had results so you can hear their story.